Facebook Live: Lessons Learned in Real Estate

On this week’s episode of Keeping it Real, Erica Rawls and Lissette Gonzalez sat down to discuss lessons they’ve learned in the real estate industry past few months. 

This year as a real estate agent in the industry, Lissette has learned to pace herself and not compare what she has going on with everything else. 

Knowing it’s a competitive market this year, Lissette said she strives to make sure her clients leave their initial consultation knowing what’s involved and how to come prepared. 

Lissette is not interested in just getting her clients to the closing table, she also wants to ensure they’re set up for successful homeownership in the long-term. 

Watch the recap to uncover more industry insights from two of our expert realtors on what they’ve learned working in today’s real estate market over the past few months.

Tune in every other Wednesday at 12 p.m. on Facebook @ericarawlsteam for more Keeping it Real Facebook Live episodes. 

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