We’re Not Your Typical REALTORS® in Harrisburg, PA...
We’re Educators
Our team of experts represent the best and brightest Harrisburg REALTORS® in the industry, and we’re always striving to lead the real estate industry in research, innovation, and consumer education.
If you’re looking to sell  or buy a home in today’s market, you need a trusted realtor in Harrisburg who can guide you through the complex world of real estate. With our team’s extensive knowledge and commitment to providing only the best and most timely information to our clients, we are your go-to source for real estate industry insight and advice.
Top Realtors in Harrisburg, PA
Book a free buyers consultation or sellers consultation with our licensed Harrisburg realtors.Â
- Meet Erica Rawls, Team Leader/Associate Broker
- Meet Lissette Gonzalez, Bilingual Buyer Agent
- Meet Aris Scott, Buyer Agent
We serve the Central PA area including Harrisburg, Mechanicsburg, Hershey, Camp Hill, Enola and more.Â
Our Featured Homes for Sale

7 Fortuna Lane Enola, Pennsylvania
3 Beds 3 Baths 2,732 SqFt 0.18 Acres

42 Walmar Manor Dillsburg, Pennsylvania
3 Beds 2 Baths 1,440 SqFt
Search Homes for Sale In Harrisburg, Mechanicsburg, Hershey & More!
Book a Consultation With Realtors in Harrisburg, PA
- Discuss the ins and outs of the home buying/selling process
- Learn the current state of the real estate market in Pennsylvania and across the nation
- Review how much you can afford and go over mortgage pre-approval/credit information
From here, we’ll create a customized home buying/selling strategy just for you. We’ll also guide you through the home buying process and work within your ideal timeframe.
Learn more about our services and contact us when you’re ready to begin searching for your dream home!

"What's My Home Worth?"
Request a Home Equity Analysis
Are you thinking about selling your house?
Request a free home equity analysis.Â
Learn how much equity you have in your home and what you could sell your home for in today’s market.Â
To speak with a listing agent, contact us to book a free sellers’ consultation.Â
Create An Online Account
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Save your favorite homes and receive updates via email!
Create your free home search account with only your email address – no password necessary!
You’ll receive email updates on your favorite homes, and you can sign-up for market reports in your neighborhood.
The Latest From Our Blog
Facebook Live: Debunking Common Misconceptions About Selling Property
Discover the truth behind common misconceptions about selling property in our latest Facebook Live with The Erica Rawls Team.
A Time to Bloom: A Night Filled with Gratitude and Creativity!
On Thursday, May 25, our hearts were filled with joy as we hosted "A Time to Bloom," a client appreciation paint-and-sip night.
Facebook Live: May 2023 Market Update
Join us this week with our special guest, Nakia Perry, as we discuss how to create a budget with a purpose.
The Latest From Our Blog
Facebook Live: Debunking Common Misconceptions About Selling Property
Discover the truth behind common misconceptions about selling property in our latest Facebook Live with The Erica Rawls Team.
A Time to Bloom: A Night Filled with Gratitude and Creativity!
On Thursday, May 25, our hearts were filled with joy as we hosted "A Time to Bloom," a client appreciation paint-and-sip night.
Facebook Live: May 2023 Market Update
Join us this week with our special guest, Nakia Perry, as we discuss how to create a budget with a purpose.

Schedule a Consultation with a Harrisburg,PA Realtor
Are you interested in selling or buying a home in Central PA but are not sure where to begin? The Erica Rawls Team can help!
Schedule a free consultation with one of our real estate agents and we’ll be happy to help craft a customized home selling/buying strategy just for you.
If you need to sell your existing home before you buy a new house, we can help with that, too!
Contact our licensed realtors who serve the Central PA area including Harrisburg, Mechanicsburg, Hershey, Camp Hill, Enola and more.Â