Meet Erica Rawls - Team Leader/Associate Broker
- Phone: 717-364-2198
- Email: erica@ericarawls.com
- PA License #: AB068562
Q : “Why do you love real estate?”
Everyday is different. I like helping people realize their dreams, and as a team leader, in my position, I like developing people.
Q: “Why do you enjoy what you do?”
The impact. I love helping people realize their dream.
You cannot beat the feeling of handing your clients the keys to their home, seeing them cry, and hearing them say, “Thank you so much. I can’t believe this is happening. I’m the first person in my family [to own a home.]”
Before I got into the real estate profession, I worked as a professional accountant, but I was at a point in my professional career where I didn’t like what I was doing.
I’ve always liked the idea of real estate, especially when it came to researching and looking into the market value of properties.
I knew there are many people looking to become first-time homebuyers, and I love being a change agent and helping those people break barriers.
Q: “What’s one thing you wish you would’ve known or didn’t know when you bought your first house?”
I wish someone would have sat my husband and I down and really broke everything down for us.
I didn’t know how my mortgage payment was affected by principal, interest, and taxes, or that the location of my house, i.e. whether it’s in a flood zone, could impact my ability to sell my house later on.
I believe my REALTOR® did the best they could, but if I was armed with more information my first home would not have been the house it was.
My past experience is the exact reason why we’ve established buyer consultations for our first-time homebuyers. We want to make sure they have all of the information I wish I would’ve known when I purchased my first home.
It’s important that you know what your realtor knows and how to understand the market because there are too many moving parts in buying a home for you to just hand money over to anyone.
Q: “What’s your motto/personal mantra?”
“To whom much is given, much will be required,” (Luke 12:48).
When you’re blessed with something, I think you have the responsibility to bless others. This doesn’t always mean financially, but with helping others in general.
The more successful I become, I’m making it my responsibility to bring others with me.
Q: “Why do you believe education is so important in the home buying/selling process?”
As a REALTOR®, I have a huge responsibility to do more than just sell you a house.
I believe education is so important because I know you, aka our potential client, doesn’t know what you don’t know.
During our buyer’s consultations we ask you probing questions to get you think about things you may not have considered in the past.
My goal is for you to see us as experts in real estate by providing you with the tools you need and accurate information.
I want to help you debunk the myths you see online, and there are many out there, and provide you with accurate information, why it’s accurate and its source.
Q: “What’s the best experience you had helping someone, or a family, buy a home?”
I’ve worked with a lot of different people from various backgrounds, and it’s always the first-time homebuyers that get me.
This one client in particular was 70-years-old when she bought her first house, and it was challenging for her to get financing.
When we finally got to the closing table, we were both crying. It was very special to me and dear to my heart.